Funding criteria

We are committed to the advancement of the profession of nursing.

ONAWA Information & Guidelines for Grants


  • To provide financial assistance for ONAWA members to attend State, Interstate and Overseas Conferences, Seminars, Workshops or Post Graduate Studies or activity where there is a direct relevance to orthopaedic nursing practice as considered by the ONAWA Executive Committee.

Grant Allocation Criteria

1. Applications for a grant will only be considered after a qualifying period of 12 months ONAWA membership. Where a member lapses and fails to be a financial member for 12 months a 12 month re-qualifying period from the date of recommencing the payment of contributions will apply.

2. When a member has elected to suspend payments (ie. during a period of extended unpaid leave) and has notified the Treasurer, a 3 month requalifying period will apply from the date of recommencing the payment of contributions.

3. The ONAWA Committee will review each grant application, and will consider the following points:

  • Length of ONAWA membership
  • Previous grant applications from ONA WA
  • Quality of application – states clearly the outline, aims, objectives and implications for orthopaedic nursing
  • Relevance of conference/seminar to member’s current position
  •  Relevance to orthopaedic nursing practice/research
  •  Special consideration will be given to ONAWA members who are presenting papers &/or posters at conferences or seminars
  •  Amount of money available for grant applications will be determined by the number of applicants, quality of applications submitted and funds available
  • ONAWA Committee members seeking grants must declare their conflicts of interest regarding the application.

Should an ONAWA member apply for consecutive grants, approval for such grants should be assessed on relevance & merit of the individual application.

4. Grants will be awarded on the following basis:

  • Successful grant application
  • Confirmation from the treasurer of the applicant’s financial membership status.

5. The Secretary and Treasurer will maintain records of grant applications and allocations. These records will include ONAWA membership details, conferences/seminars information and dates, and details of the amounts awarded to the ONAWA member. These records will be presented in the AGM Treasurer’s report.

6. There will be no restriction on the number of ONAWA members applying for grants, but the ONAWA Committee has the right in determining the number of grants available due to funds allocated to grants.

7. All grant recipients will submit ORIGINAL receipts for expenses to the ONAWA Treasurer prior to monies being forward to recipients. Special consideration may be given to a members who request financial support prior to attending conferences. These members will need to provide a detailed financial plan of the expected cost. (e.g. registration/accommodation etc).

8. Applicants are to advise the committee if they are seeking other financial support from other sources/grants.

9. Grant recipients should indicate how they intend to disseminate the information gained by attending the conference/seminar (ie. In-service presentations, ONAWA education meetings, Newsletter, Nursing forums).

10. Recipients who receive the grant for presenting will be invited to share their experience with ONAWA members at the most appropriate ONAWA education evening/ conference/seminar or study day.

11. Presenters are encouraged to publish their paper in a peer review journal as desired.

12. Applicants will provide a written report to the ONAWA committee within 1 month of the event for publication on the ONAWA Website.

13. Wherever practicable applications should be submitted to the ONAWA secretary prior to the monthly ONAWA Committee meeting to facilitate making a determination with respect to the grant application. Meeting dates are advertised on the ONAWA website.

NB. Where any of these criteria are not met on review of the application and membership listing, the secretary will notify the ONAWA president.

14. All applications and the allocation of grants will be ratified at ONAWA Committee meetings.

15. The decision of the ONAWA committee will be forwarded to the applicant by email.

16. Applicants are reminded that funds are finite and the committee is committed to “Making a little go a long way”.

17. Annual review of Grant Allocation and funds being made available will be determined by the previous year’s financial status.

February 2012